Wednesday, February 13, 2008

snow day #3

wow, in such a short time we have pretty well used up all of our alloted snow days. I think our district finally got wise and secured 4 because after all we do live in a snow belt. It was a nasty wintery mix today. John John and I did the only thing possible and stayed in our jammies all day. John braved the elements and went to work. He took my SUV which made perfect sense considering I wasn't going anywhere.
Tomorrow it's back to work and I shall hopefully get in my scheduled visits. I think that's the only thing I despise about being a per diem employee, no work no pay. I love the flexibility, but that part of it sucks. John John is looking forward to his Valentine's party. Next week is his winter break, and I've registered him for 3 days at the YMCA. He'll have fun.
I see my doctor on Friday for my annual. I am pretty sure dear old aunt flo will be here so that means rescheduling the nasty. Yay. NOT. Saturday we are meeting my brother and his crew for dinner halfway between us. Should be fun. Maybe we can hit one outlet!

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