Monday, October 30, 2006

Woohoo DH returns today

As I type dh is flying high in the sky back home. I am excited to have him home as almost 3 weeks away is a long stretch. I am also trying to not be too annoyed that he planned the last 3 days of his trip enjoying some R and R in Hong Kong. I know he worked hard and flew a lot over this trip, but in some ways I'm kind of thinking why couldn't he come home to relax. I guess that will make my trip to Lancaster less guilt induced.
I have also made a decision to not invite guests here while John is away. My dear husband thinks it gives me a break, but in all honesty it causes me more stress. John John acts like a goof and doesn't listen when we have people here. I feel like damage control is just not worth it. Plus when John was in India John John was fantastic. I will get a sitter if I really feel a desire to get out. I am done with guests when John is away.

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