Monday, April 14, 2008

spring break

and so it is! The weather is being cooperative, and by the end of the week it's supposed to be in the upper 6o's. I am so happy to see the snow melting and out of the way for 6 months or so. This week is John John's spring break. I unfortunately am working most of it. Too much to do, and not enough time to finish it these days. At least I don't have to see my 3 to 5 year olds. I did come out of one house only to find out she has lice. NASTY! My clothes went right into the wash after work. Somedays I feel like I don't get paid enough to go into such dirty places. Not that I'm immaculate myself, but in those places mine looks beautiful.
I was a very good girl this past weekend. I took John up to Kingston to see his grandparents. John had to work, so I figured it beat hanging around here. John John hasn't seen them since Christmas and I figured it would be a nice thing to do. My in-laws appreciated the gesture and enjoyed the visit. I was able to meet a friend for coffee. We missed John, but I bet he enjoyed the little break. This coming weekend we are heading over to my brother's for a mini Passover. Weird celebrating it with just us, but no other invites were forthcoming.
I am busy these days at work. I can't complain as the money is good. We shall see what the summer is like. Now it's off to fold some laundry. The fun never ends.

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