Monday, January 14, 2008


Life is all about compromise. As I posted earlier, John's party went from a few friends to 12. We went back and forth, and came to a compromise. Instead of having pizza here, we will now host a party at McDonald's. I did not back down though on "inviting the whole class". I have addressed the invites and they are out in the mail today. The whole not RSVP'ing drives me insane. John John has invited a few friends from school, a few from cubs, and a few from our old playgroup. Having it at McDonald's will mean they can run around and not fight over toys (or at least John not getting mad because they touched a favourite one). Plus less chaos in one small house.
As for the weekend, we drove over to my brother Phil's Saturday afternoon. My sister Kathleen and her 10 month old daughter Sadie had flown in on Wednesday for a few days. We got to visit with them, and celebrate my niece Rachel's 3rd birthday. My niece Rachel is a pip. She was very excited to eat her Dora cake. She loved her presents. I'll have to post a couple after. My other niece Sadie is just too adorable. She will be talking very soon. She is over her stranger anxiety, so I was able to hold her for a bit.

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