Monday, October 06, 2008

The World Traveller heads out again

After all this time, I should be used to my husband's departures. Alas, it is not so. John flies out Wednesday morning for recruiting trip #2. This time he is away for just over 3 weeks. On the plus side we now can webcam each other. John John loves being able to physically see him, and his surroundings. It makes it a little easier. However we still miss him and not having him part of the daily routine.
Next weekend John John and I are venturing to the in-laws. We shall celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving with them. I'm not sure what exactly John John has planned. He usually tries to do his favourite things like car rides and going to the mall with grandma. I am planning on meeting my sister for lunch on Saturday. Kingston-Toronto is just over 2 hours, so we are having lunch at a midway point. It will be nice to visit with her. Canadian Thanksgiving, even after 16 years is still a little painful. My mom had both brain surgeries on this weekend so she is on both of our minds.
Last Wednesday was Open House at John's school. His teacher had put together a little slide show of the kids. It was extremely cute. We also had to tour around the building. It's funny to see how well known John is at school. He's one of those kids where every teacher (and lots of kids) know him. His cuteness factor still remains. Which reminds me of Saturday. We had John's last soccer game, and of course the ice cream truck was there. John has been buying ice cream all summer so we know the owner well (he will purposely stop in front of our house waiting for John to run out!). Anyway, he asked which bar John wanted as he will either get a Sponge Bob or Strawberry Shortcake. He handed it to John and said that it was on the house for being such a loyal customer! I thought that was sweet.