Thursday, September 28, 2006

Dh returns from trip #1

Let me preface my thoughts by saying I really truly love my husband. He is a wonderful human being, and a great father. However, he just returned from India Tuesday night and has been a bit of a pain. First he calls me at 4:15 on Tuesday from Washington saying he might not make his flight home. Okay, no big deal, can handle that. It gets resolved and we happily pick him up at 6:30. Then he gets ticked at John John and yells. Wait a minute dear, you were just away for what 2 weeks, and you are upset with John John?? I don't think so. Now he's on my case for ignoring my cough. Okay, maybe you are right but sometimes you don't need to throw it in my face.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

One week down, one week to go......

Of trip #1 that is. To be honest it really hasn't been that bad. John is a thousand times easier to take care of as he gets older. I certainly don't miss the days of taking John to the airport and having John John screaming and crying in the backseat. The only time that seems to be long is the weekend. This weekend will be busier. John John has a birthday party to go to on Saturday.
I'm still not sure if I like John's fall travel schedule. He comes home on Tuesday, and will be home for 2 weeks. Then he leaves again for another 2 1/2 weeks. So, on the one hand it will be nice to have him home, we still have another trip looming. I was kind of thinking that maybe next fall he just goes for a month. We shall see.
Work is slowing down. I am losing kids, and at the moment don't see any new ones coming my way. I hope the lull is short lived. I like the break, but need the money.

Monday, September 11, 2006

And so my Husband takes off for India tomorrow

It's that time of year. John leaves for India tomorrow night. I guess I should be happy that he's only going away twice this fall. However it's still hard and John John and I miss him. We are taking John to the airport after swim class. John's friend Alex will come with us and after the airport we'll have dinner at Chuck E. Cheese's. Not what I consider gourmet cuisine!
This past weekend was nice. We went to Saratoga on Saturday for dinner. We shopped at Target to get some last minute things for John's trip. We also went to Pet Smart to get some flea stuff. Both cats have fleas. Never had to deal with them with Mckenzie. Tom is sitting here by the computer at the moment. He doesn't like to miss out on things!
We close the pool on Thursday. We haven't swam in it in a few weeks. It's bittersweet closing it up, but no sense keeping it open when we aren't swimming. Countdown till next swim season!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The school year has begun

School began yesterday, and John John was ready. All weekend he was a handful. By Tuesday he had settled down, and was anxious to get going. We took a quick tour of where his new classroom would be with his friend Emily. Then we all had lunch together at our house.
The first day went well, and John came home all happy. We got the FM system all straightened out. Sue came in to school today to show Mrs. Watrobski how to work it. John is going to miss Sue this year. She was such a wonderful teacher. I know she's going to miss him too. She will consult with Mrs. Watrobski this year.
My husband flies out Tuesday night for India. Hard to believe it's that time of the year. I know his travel season will be lighter, but it's still time away. At least I have one trip to look foreward to in November.